Contract Labour Details for the month of May 2024


Details of Contract Labour deployed in CVPPPL for the month of May 2024
SI. Name of the Project No. of Contract Labour from other than J&K State
(i.e outside J&K State)
No. of contract Labour from J&K includes Total
No. of Contract Labour from Kishtwar District including PAF No. of Contract Labour employed from Project Affected families (PAF) Other than Kishtwar District Total no. of Contract Labour from J&K State
1 Pakal Dul HE Project
(1000 MW)
368 3164 370 480 3544 4012
2 Kiru HE Project
(624 MW)
399 1127 114 327 1454 1853
3 Kwar HE Project
(540 MW)
210 836 33 67 903 1113
Corporate Office
13 8 0 105 113 126